Night, night.. Baby

At the end of each day, looking forward to put #imanulziqri to sleep. Stories > songs > DOA > zikir lullaby while patting him to sleep.

This boy, will in turn slam dunk his body 360°c. He always trust that he’ll be cushioned at every angle. Heh. Not always, baby, when that happened, #padanmuka #ambikko

Tonight.  Was patting him and realized that he was intensely looking at my face in the dark. Turned to him and he shoved my face to not see him. LOL. Did it few times and again kena shoved #amboiii

Realized that he don’t show his affection openly. He’ll sayang me or the husband while we are asleep. Heh. I knew as I pretended to sleep one morning when he was awake.

All these moments are too precious. Wished I could video it all just by blinking the eyes, for I’m scared that one day I might forgets how it all felt.


Kopi, one!


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I don’t know.
Is it only me? I find kopi from neighborhood kopitiam/coffeeshop ‘sexy’. Heh.

The aroma, the just right blend of everything – sweet, creamy, bitter. Morning is not complete without it.

Coffee from cafe or Starbucks dont have that same effect. Theirs is high class coffee.

Maybe. Is just me and the apeks, who loves kopi-kaw.